Fairy Weekend water Guidance-Jan 10-12-2014


This weekend (January 10-12) the fairies spoke to me about water, not only the rain from our sky but the element of water and how we can incorporate that into our lives as a healing balm. (more…)

Published in: on January 10, 2014 at 3:06 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Love Notes-Love is the answer



There are many ways to handle issues and most lightworkers think they’re immune to feelings of anger over mean spirited or negative energies, but we’re not, never the less, anger isn’t the way to deal with people vibrating on this level.

Published in: on December 3, 2013 at 4:04 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Soul Journey Map~ Sage Travel Guide


Soul  Journey Map~ the Sage Travel Guide…

Today on our Soul Journey map you might be encountering doubt hill or indecision land and you want to know how to get around these obstacles.  My map has Zen Garden around the corner, follow me there.
On our way there let’s talk about psychic readings road, and why it works.

Psychic Readings Road- tarot way.
You might have wondered why tarot way is the place to sit for awhile and take in the scenery.
Tarot readings with a psychic /sage who’s connected directly with Universal Source energy works.
First of all, when you want to manifest something in your life, whether that is change of direction, a goal to achieve or obstacle to overcome, first you must believe you can achieve this!

When you consult a sage you’re placing your belief in the greater Universal truth that energy and like attracts like which is the first thing that you need to get any ball rolling, belief.  If you’ve tried desperately and struggled to accomplish something and still aren’t seeing results, you’re probably stuck in doubt Valley.

Although I’d love to see you all come to a place of certainty within yourself, the truth of the matter is, it’s nice to be able to rely on a professional.  A Sage is a professional spiritualist who will spend all their time researching the valleys and depths of truth so that they can exploit the easier paths for you to take, it’s what we do. We offer to mark nice rest stops where the bathrooms are clean and the food is homemade along your path. We’ve been on the road you’re on, and are familiar with the terrain.

Historical Markers- The sage will give you a summary of your place on the trip, and using tarot cards is one of the ways to do this. Life’s wisdom is briefed and detailed to fit your interests along your journey.  Each detour and byway can lead to one of these Historical Markers if you are being guided by the kindly sage.

A Sage has been through hell and back, their life is not for the faint at heart but they’ve gleaned spiritual insights that the average person might have overlooked and found ways through rocky cliffs that only a seasoned Soul Journey Travel Guide would know.  Once you’ve made it through those rocky cliffs you’re going to see the grand valley below and around some twists and turns with some extra guidance along the way, you’ll experience a lush Zen Garden.

This is where I long to take you today, where the water trickles sweetly down a jagged cliff, reminding us both of the terrain you just passed through. The intoxicating scents burning from my garden alter are wafting over the hills, inviting you to come sit and relax with me in this peaceful garden. I found this place by traveling at times the hard way, but it’s been well worth it.

What Historical marker is standing before you now? Does the sign read clearly or are you having trouble reading the inscription?  Stop struggling and take my hand, I am here to help. Let me help you see where you’re at on your Soul Journey Map so that we can choose the path that leads directly to your destination!  If you keep driving, never stopping to ask for directions, it’s just going to take you much longer to get there in this lifetime.  I am here with the *key* whenever you’re ready to explore with a Sage. Until then, I send you my blessings.
Jeannie Irwin
I do distance healing/readings, book a reading now!

Soul Journey Map Travel Guide

What landscape are you looking out from right now? Take a moment, close your eyes, and focus on the inner terrain that you’re experiencing. Does it feel like things are on top of the world, are you at the peak of happiness? Do you feel like you’re in a land that is filled with confusion and uncertainty? Sit with this thought for a moment and name the land you’re in. Take into focus all that creates the land that you’re experiencing. You might feel happy and on top of the world or feeling loving, like you’re being wrapped in a warm blanket.
Now I want you to take another few moments to remember back to the last time something really impactual happened to you. Remember all the incidents,feelings and thoughts that took place. Write down what happened in short sentence form, such as…”I was lonely and had to get out. So I went to a local fruit market that I never go to. While I was there I  met someone and it turned out that we shared similar interests and went for a cup of coffee afterward. Now we are closer than ever!” <— write a short word picture for the experience. (Landscape= I was in a dark cave, isolated from everyone. I felt cold and distant. When I stepped outside, suddenly the sun shone down on me and vistas opened up before me. I was in a carnival with all sorts of goodies. ) You get the idea.
Take every emotional *landscape*/memory and give it a name…put it on your *map*.

If you want, take some time in meditation going over the last few landscapes you’ve been in. You’ll notice you might have gone from *nowhere land*, to the *land of dreams* and then got suddenly dumped off on a *deserted island*.

Now, its really important that you think the whole landscape through because you’ll find that landscapes shift as you make decisions. Notice how in the earlier landscape, they went from a cave to a carnival, all because they decided to get out of their house!
Even decisions about whom you talk to and what clothes you wear can put you in a certain landscape.

Landscapes don’t stay the same.  We travel from one landscape to another quite frequently, stopping off to look out over scenic views and sometimes getting caught in the mud along the way.
By beginning to label what *Landscape* you’re experiencing, whether it began as something emotional or a financial situation, you distance yourself from the actual place on the map and become the Travel guide and not just the traveler.

I know just what it feels like to stand in the midst of a problem and look at it with  literal eyes saying, “this is how it is, because this is fact!”
But, that’s not a fact because a true picture of your/my reality would contain within it all the answers, twists,turns, reservoirs and drop-offs along the way.
What you are looking at when you say, “this is how it is!”, is merely one tiny spot on your Soul Journey Map. If you could see the entire map you’d recognize where you’d been and how you’ve got where you are now, and not only that but, you’d see you’re way clear to the next oasis!

Your higher self is your travel guide,because you are limitless potential in spirit and boundless creativity. All you need is to access your map.

Start by noting where you are on the map now. Remember the law of correspondence. “As above so below, as below so above.” ~Hermetic Law of Correspondence. Meaning, everything in life/Universe is mirrored.
When you wonder why you are in a situation on the outside, take a long hard look at your inner terrain. Feelings of desperation, need, lack or want, will be reflected in a myriad of ways on the outside landscape. Likewise, feelings of happiness, luck, abundance, and gratefulness will also be mirrored in the terrain you’re now traversing.

Once you’ve recognized where you are on your map, now it is time to adjust your flight pattern and move into the beautiful landscape that you want, but not so fast! You’ve seen the truth of where you are at, but have you learned the lessons of the current area?

Surely your map has a key. You remember those old fashioned maps with the little icons that mean such things as rest stop, gas station, hotel, restaurant? How about toll fare, highway work, bridge? Where are you right now and what are you’re signs. You truly can’t move from one area on your map without reading the signs along the way, and you’re being given clues every day.

I think there ought to be a Soul Journey Icon that is shaped like a circle with a slant through it, and inside of it is an old fashioned hour glass.   The meaning, Path closed, pause and let Source open a byway.
There will be times when you recognize you’re in a rut but for whatever reason, you’re only next step needs to be nothing. This becomes a destination on the map all its own, and maybe you already have a name for this place. I would call it, Reflection Lake because all I can see during times like this is my own reflection staring back at me, taunting me to move ahead. Universe has a different highway to take though and usually it starts with pausing and then reflection on what is going on in  your life at the time. Only until you get the message your higher self is offering can you move away from Reflection lake.

It’s all about noticing the little signs along your Soul Journey and staying in flow, because flow isn’t just about getting to the good place, it’s about the traveling along the way. When you’ve gotten to the place where you appreciate the drive on any highway, you then have the big map in hand and you become the Travel Guide on your Soul Journey.

Don’t forget to book a stay at the IAM cottage, it’s a funny little cottage, so unassuming on the outside, not boisterous or garesh, but on the inside it’s HUGE!
love you,

for more direction on your Soul Journey visit me at http://jeannieirwin.yolasite.com

or write to me at blissmanifestors@gmail.com

Published in: on August 24, 2012 at 8:30 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Daily/weekly Angels of Atlantis Oracle Card- Sandalphon~ LOVE, 6-19-12

Archangel Sandalphon~LOVE!
When you allow AA Sandalphon to renew your LOVE for all of humanity as well as yourself, you see life through different and …

Read the rest here: Galactic/Angelic-HealingGuidance

Melchizedek Crystal Transmissions

Melchizedek/Isis Crystal of Healing and transformation- the Teacher!

When I first got this crystal, I was simply meditating with it in my palms when I began hearing a voice telling me that his name was Teacher. Therefore I began calling my crystal “The Teacher”.   A very adamant Teacher, he began instilling truths and taking me on many journeys into my soul and other worlds. I had no idea when picking up the Teacher that I would be linked in and sent forward in this way!
