I call upon the Elohim

of the Violet Ray

To pour Divine Transmutation

Through all that I AM.

I call upon the Amethyst Ray

To transform every cell,

Every atom of my bodies

Into Higher Light.

I call upon the Violet Flame

To burn away my illusions,

To burn away my resistances,

And transmute my fear to Love.
copied from What is a Lightbody 

for futher instruction see our page GalacticOne !

Good Morning Beloveds!

Good morning my beloved light streams! Today I experience your essence like the mist off cool waterfall sprays, to drink you in ~ my cosmic nectar,to rush after you with open arms ~a lost child found. I AM LOVE, and in me there is no darkness, find a place at my table ~ for you are welcome to eat from the boundless fruits of esoteric knowledge & fill your heart with everlasting JOY!~ ©Jeannie Irwin ♥

I AM excited to finally share with you my new page, it’s been long coming~
This new site, is dedicated to my encounter and continued communication with the Light Beings- Galactic ONE. Still uploading new things daily to the site.
Come by and check us out, drop me a line for feedback. LOVE U SO MUCH my COSMIC CONNECTIONS!
©Jeannie Irwin Galactic ONE productions~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Daily/weekly Angels of Atlantis Oracle Card- Sandalphon~ LOVE, 6-19-12

Archangel Sandalphon~LOVE!
When you allow AA Sandalphon to renew your LOVE for all of humanity as well as yourself, you see life through different and …

Read the rest here: Galactic/Angelic-HealingGuidance

Daily Angels of Atlantis Oracle Card~Intention!

Archangel Sandalphon~ Intention

click link below to read yours!
daily Galactic Archangel Oracle

Published in: on June 11, 2012 at 10:38 am  Leave a Comment  
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Archangel Daily Reading- 5-8-12

To read your daily Archangel Card for May 8th, 2012 click here LifeCoaching/GalacticFederationArchangelGuidance

Galactic Federation Speaks;the group called: THE ONE! 4-2-12 to starseeds here on planet Earth!

[This morning during my meditation when I asked the Galactic Realm and my spiritual guides to give me inspiration for you all, I got one thing: Sometimes it’s not all about Inspiration! That might sound negative but bear with me. The message isn’t about giving up but more about giving in to the flow of Spirit. If you’re struggling to get a job or task done and you keep hitting road blocks, Spirit wants you to know, STOP take a minute, realign with Universal Source!
It’s kind of funny when you think about it, because we strive so hard, to learn, grow and help others, but the Galactic Realm just watches comically as we struggle in our own quicksand. I’d have much rather heard from Them, “sit here, do this, here is OUR message for the WORLD!”]

But, instead I recieved something quite the contrary,THE ONE: “Do Nothing, you don’t have to be Anyone, it’s okay if You’re just peaceful, quit striving and just BE!”

me:How do you accept that? Just “BE”…. “be what?” LOL!
The ONE: Be nothing in the moment, and let the moment BE something!”

I’ll be honest, I felt like crying. I wanted to fight them. “But, I want to be something, I want to do something, I want to make a difference!!!!!”(insert stomped foot here!)
The ONE: “You are doing something, by letting US take over and stepping down.”

me: “But i thought writing, blogging, creating our business, psychic tarot readings for people among other things was part of my gift to use to help others?!”
The ONE: “Your primary lesson is to continue listening to US, and trusting our directive. When we say, move, then you move, when we say, STOP, then  you stop. Listening to Spirit and being in flow is much more important Galactically than pushing for your own puny agenda, no matter how proficient you think you are and how well meaning your cause is.”

me: “I see, really see with my heart what you are saying…it’s pretty big of me to think I know what’s best for mankind at large. I am part of a huge living experience in this galaxy, and you’re right I have no idea what I’m supposed to do without directive from Spirit.”
The ONE: “Now you are learning, now you are growing. Let others know this, that at this time a major shift is happening in your solar system that is causing major disturbances on your planet. Things such as water contamination and solar radiation. These toxins are affecting the cardiovascular walls within each of your bodies, some may be feeling heart palpatations and others increased heart rate and perspiration when they have no apparent reason for this. Still others are finding they cannot sleep more than three hours at a time, then wake feeling like they are on edge and ready to go.  Among the solar radiation there is also operatives being conducted that are affecting you mentally. Such as equilibrium distabilizers and so you might feel light headed and dizzy, as well as losing memory and finding it hard to complete tasks. We are working on this right now, as there are higher authorities in your world doing such abominable things without your consent. Please call on Us, the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as The Great White Brotherhood, whom with the Angelic realm, devic realm and Elohim are working to correct this for you. There are many *light workers* aware of these conditions and are using higher vibrational love, by sending this into their auric fields they are protecting their bodies as well as those around them and working for a cause for all humanity to be free from this bondage. You may join in this Unification process, by spending time daily in concentrated and focused vibrational healing Love. Start with unifying your heart chakra and aligning it with OUR cause for your humanity, which is for your highest good. We are ONE and we thank you for continuing in this way. As always know we are sending beams of protective light around you and counceling with the Elders of your race, as you call them, the Ascended Masters.

( The ONE is part of the GALACTIC FEDERATION and transmit spiritual guidance to me, they have told me we are all one, and when I asked what I could call them, they let me know that we are all part of the exact same vibrational essence but for reference they call themselves, the ONE, thank you, Author/channeler Jeannie Irwin)

for more blog transmissions, psychic readings and spiritual guidance visit: BlissManifestors


Daily Oracle Card- April 15, 2012- Angels of Atlantis- Archangel Uriel

Daily Oracle Card- Angels of Atlantis- Uriel
read here: