I bow to the Divine! Spiritual food for you!

wings on shore

Are you hungry? What is your spirit asking for?
I have found that it is not so much in the relaxing new age music or listening to higher consciousness tones the truly feeds the spirit, but it is in the reciting or mantra and sutras that feeds this need.
This is food for life, food for the essence of you that has no name.
The eternal essence of you also needs food.
You might think that taking in food is what feeds you, but you’re missing a huge and more complete you.
(Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” is the Adi Mantra. Translated “I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher, it is chanted at the beginning of a Kundalini Yoga session to help us tune into the Divine flow & self knowledge we all carry within. I’ve found many ways to use this mantra in my practice, for instance to ground before I meditate or do Japa, or even to warm up before a voiceover session. It brings me to the place inside that is quiet. Most of the chants in the set are from the Kundalini tradition, but there is also a lovely one by Shantala. Please enjoy the journey to your inner self, my friends. Peace — and Namaste.)- http://newworldkirtan.com/2012/04/ong-namo-guru-dev-namo/#

This is an easy way to begin healing and invigorating your spirit, join with me.

Ong Nama Guru Dev Namo!

visit Jeannie at: http://www.jeannieirwin.com

Published in: on July 25, 2014 at 11:06 am  Leave a Comment  
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Jeannie Irwin Dimensional Show -listen now- 2nd Agreement, Don’t take it personally! 5-13-13

how people treat you are a reflection of how they feel about themselves!

how people treat you are a reflection of how they feel about themselves!

Join Jeannie in this inspiring tool,The Four Agreements on The Jeannie Irwin Dimensional Show– share with friends and add to your facebook or website. This is the second in a series on the book, The Four Agreements.
Today’s show titled, 2nd Agreement- Don’t take it personally!
Jeannie Irwin Dimensional Show  – click to listen

Jeannie Irwin Inter.

Remembering who I AM – updated


“I will remember the who I AM, when I release the me I see.” © Jeannie Irwin
Visualization, regression. 3/4/13

Before we can release:

Today for my meditation, I listened to Samuel Barber Adiago for Strings. This is what my Guide gave to me for my teaching today.  Music video at end of article.
At the beginning of the music, I saw myself being created, as sparks flew within my Mothers Body, cells came together and a ballet of beautiful cosmic dance began. Stars in the heavens grew brighter as my new life was formed, cells multiplied and I formed into an embryo.
The embryo formed arm and leg buds, ears and eventually I grew and morphed into a tiny human, growing and expanding in my Mothers belly. Perfect in every way, made exactly as I am supposed to be.

I was brought into the light of the delivery room and taken from my Mother, smacked on the bottom, held upside down and scurried away to be cleaned. I didn’t want to be cold and for the first time I felt so singularly alone. I was apart from Spirit, and away from my warm enclosure.
I cried, now and then as it hurt and I didn’t understand what was happening.
My Mother then held me and I felt reassurance but I vowed I never wanted to feel this lonliness again.
As I saw myself grow and nurse, this was odd for I had to learn to feed and I heard a voice, Source still very much in contact with me, explaining and wooing me to eat and live.

I grew and learned to use this body, from baby to toddler and at age five, as I was still very much in constant contact with Source I turned, the stream of light connecting us thinner and thinner.
Source reached out as if from the clouds, willing me not to leave. I smiled and turned to my human life and stepped one more step snapping the constant bond I’d had.
I grew into a young girl, forgetting all of the bond between me and Source and the unified feeling that came with it, where I was from.
From there I left my parents, breaking another bond of unity to move out on my own and eventually marry for the first time.
Source was there in the heavens shining down, reaching outward, but I continued on my way, not noticing.

I saw myself giving birth to my second child. Not trying to control the vision, I allowed this to flow. My little girl began, forming from cell to cell, multiplying. Ever growing in my belly, she was finally born into this cold world and as I looked at her and our eyes met…Source connected my memory with me. I saw me. There within her eyes was all I’d ever been in one instant and I sobbed (chest heaving) as I’ve never before.
I wouldn’t let the Doctors take her, but only for a few minutes to clean her…not the usual protocol with a C-section. I wouldn’t let her stay in the nursery, so I stayed awake 3 days in a row to protect and shield her from this pain of loneliness.  Now I understand, I was remembering my own pain of separation from Source.

Now connected again, Source reached down open arms and attached me back to the flood of memories and one moment I was staring at a vast ocean as the Sun went down feeling the warmth of it, and then I was whisked back to Universal energy. I was everything, and felt so peaceful, loved, and calm.  Slowly I moved from the entire cosmos to the energy of the Sun, beaming out over the water. I was no longer me, but entirety.
(I left out when first typing this for you, how grateful I am to receive this! The gratitude I AM overwelmed with I want to share with you!)

to contact jeannie email jeannieirwinpsychic@gmail.com
or visit her site at JeannieIrwinGlobal 

Andromedan Amethyst Crystalline Healing Chamber! Out of this world!


I am going to start in the middle and sometime in the near future I will explain in greater detail my visits with the Andromedan council and much more.

Let us begin. Recently I had a life changing experience one in which no human words are really capable of expressing. I was taken in light body to a Crystalline Ice Structure within Andromeda or an outlying planet. This still has not been totally revealed to me yet. What proceeds to happen, was not what I was expecting or could have envisioned so bare with me as I try to explain in as great a detail as possible.

I was conducting a simple meditation with my Melchizedek Crystal, The Teacher, when I was suddenly taken from my body to a field. This field was a place I have traveled to before, so this wasn’t a shock. Towering high above the field and to my left was a mountain I would soon come to realize after the meditation was Mt. Shasta in California.
I could not control, and I use the word *control* as loosely as possible in this context my traveling in this astral body as I’ve been able to in the past.
I was quite cognizant as I was set down and walking in this field, then rapidly taken back up to flying over to the mountain and set down there. I began dutifully scaling its side, even though it seemed much to large, even in a mediation state to maneuver. Just as suddenly as I was placed there, time was sped up and my climbing effortless, I arrived at the top in what our human terms would consider a mere few seconds.

My mind being alert although I still had no control over this flight, I expected to see a pinnacle at the top, clouds and so forth, but was shocked again when I encountered a huge jungle to my right. I stood up to get my legs, decided that this jungle was probably my destination and just as soon as my foot stepped outward, I was flown to the edge of its pathway. Nothing made sense in my otherwise logical and skeptical mind. Once again I tried to traverse the path and was swooped up, taken to the forest below the mountain and set upon another path. Just an FYI at this point, this is NOT usual for me, in fact, has never happened before. I was allowed this time to walk, but again, time was increased by a thousand percent and once on this path I could see a fire in a circle down to the left. I recognized this as well, but before I could maneuver through the brush and undergrowth, I was seated at the flames within the circle.

This was the beginning of a ride I am not to forget. I had meditated and scene this fire before, with an old Indian who has visited in-depth with me. As well the shamanic tree of life was behind me, and I have climbed into its swollen roots, met my power animal the Black Panther there. These thoughts of recognition took a millisecond and I was staring within the flames and realized, there wasn’t any wood.

As I looked up before me, a fire made of quartz crystal, each piece standing out from the flames approximately a foot in diameter and 3 to 4 feet long, were piled or growing together, like a cluster. They were burning with iridescent multi-colored flames that grew upward of at least 4 feet. The flat face of one large crystal stood before me at a slant and I couldn’t help but wonder about picking it up. As soon as the thought came, the answer from an ethereal male voice answered, “yes, it won’t burn you, go ahead and pick it up.” The voice was reassuring, had a peace beyond understanding, and the syllables were spoken in even smooth speech patterns. I lifted the large double terminated crystal piece, which held no weight at all and noticed that from underneath its base point, the flame encircled, swirling with a life of its own, both burning from the crystal and burning around and under my hands. Each flame was a beautiful multi-colored hue of green, orange, red, yellow, blue, indigo, and pink. I looked at it and heard the voice again speak and say, “Go inside the crystal.”
Now, I know I’m probably the most skeptical psychic you will ever meet, but I do not trust just any spirit and along with that, I had my own physical brain still reacting within me. I thought silently, “I can’t go IN to the crystal, it’s only 4 feet by 2 feet and I’m human, much larger. How is that possible?” The Guide then gently nudged me, “Just envision yourself within it and you will be.”
Honestly this seemed far too simple, even for my mind in a meditaion, again I say Meditation loosely as I soon found out I was not in body, but somehow was allowed to stay connected to my physical 3D brain.

I looked within the flat side of the crystal facing me and noticed a small archway within it, much like a hallway. The next thing I knew I was looking down at my feet, which were bare and didn’t truly resemble my feet at all, standing upon a light crystalline blue ice like structure.

The bridge:
Now I want to say if you’ve read this far, you’re at least interested and I hope that this can bring you some hope for your travels.
I stood upon this icy appearing crystal bridge within the crystal hallway. I say it was a bridge because quite frankly I could view other crystal structures far below it, and even though I was completely at peace, was very aware that this *bridge* was holding me above all of this.
The floor although rough looking, had the almost appearance of melted and refrozen ice. As you might see when a waterfall drips and melts partially from the sun, then the liquid drops refreeze. There is a smoother texture to the ice. This crystalline bridge was in this way the same, but that would be the only commonality between it and ice. As I stood upon it, I was instantly aware that I couldn’t feel my feet touch its surface. Being still connected somewhat the the 3D brain, I wondered why I didn’t feel its surface. It was a perfect balance and harmonic vibration with my body or light body as it were. There could not be discerned, when I placed a foot down to step and or picked one up. Now as my twin flame Jeff has pointed out, I was in light body at this point, and this point is valid, never the less, I still find this bridge of significance in a much deeper design. At this point, the awareness was given to me of where I was, and as I said before, this docking or landing point, was somewhere within or just outside of the Andromedan Galaxy System. I asked the name of my guide and instantly he spoke *Andromeda*. I was given the understanding that this was not the actual name, but one I shall use for now. I will not at this point rule out an Andromedan Ship.

As I moved forward, the voice came to me from nowhere and everywhere, being within everything. I cannot yet reveal all that was said at this time and some of it is personal for my evolution.
I stood upon this bridge, whilst my vibration was realigned to the frequency of this realm.

The Amethyst Crystal Healing Chamber:
As soon as my body was aligned with this frequency I was able to walk once again. I stepped forward noticing a wall that seemed to draw me towards it. I noticed a glistening appearance, as it changed both molecular structure and energy patterns. I moved closer then turned my back to walk away, and that is when once again my ability to control my travel was taken away.
The paternal voice, and I say this because of the intrinsic knowledge and understanding of the higher realm which it occupied placed me within the wall of crystal. It was like melting into the chamber and I could see outward, but it was like looking through dimpled glass. Everything had a vague glossy and wet, thick glass blue hue beyond me. My arms were then stretched as I was placed physically in a sacred geometrical healing pattern. To see a similar pattern look at Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawing, the Vitruvian Man. As my arms and hands were placed, is the angle extended by the outstretched arms over the head of the man in the circle.  Contact was made with my fingertips at the edge of the invisible matrix/circle and the angle formed was 144 degrees. Applying the Phi function identity rule to this number you divide 144 by 360 and obtain 0.4 parts of a revolution. The single decimal place tells you that the Cosine of 144 degrees can be expressed as a function of Phi (j), i.e. Cosine 144 = -0.8090 = j/2.
With my light body now aligned in this Cosmic Figure of Pi, I was being shown, spoken to and changed instantaneously.

The Instructor and healer projected before me Sacred Geometrical symbols while the new biogenetic alignment was taking place and a slow dripping crystalline violet liquid, much like an amethyst crystal moved from the veins or pores of the crystalline chamber and into my bodies and then through my feet and back into the chamber floor. This carried with it a new DNA structure, perfected and healed, whole light bodies, and much more, even down to the core of my bad physical habits. I asked a question if I would be healed from a particular habit and he spoke a reassuring yes. Sacred Geometric shapes were given to me and numerological meaning assigned to them as the restructuring and healing was anchored into my body. To anchor this biometric change, the liquid was cleansed and brought back through my bodies at least three times that I remember now. There was a complete and utter peace to the Amethyst Healing Chamber until, I was made aware of me.

Levels and tests:
It was at the end of this anchoring that I was attuned back into my physical 3D mind, therefore anchoring the spiritual healing into the very memory pattern of my physical body now. A very light golden light seemed to descend from above the chamber and even from above the crystalline structure we were in. It pierced all levels of walls and body forms. As it grew closer, I was unable to view the outside walls of the chamber anymore. It completely obliterated all ability to view anything as I was bathed in the light of this vibration. I was given much understanding at this point and unified with the Cosmic Heart. All of our trials and humanity was personalized into my being, and yet all of infinity was given in that same instance. I could hear the grumblings of people across our world, and see the healing taking place, and the connection between it all was so evident. The violet/pink liquid was much like the tri fold flame or god flame.  The heart flowed through the liquid, as the blue crystalline matrix surrounded and not only enveloped me but I became it as well, a living breathing component in the structure. Then the third light of the wise and understanding came down in the brightest light yellow/whitish light illuminating all things not understood until this point. Even my physical 3D mind struggled to stay with this anchoring, as its both unfathomable to relate and understand, only our higher spiritual bodies can be attuned to this by the Masters of dimension and realm.

Soul Path Purpose:
This was the point that the voice told me of my Soul Purpose, which is to heal and help all of mankind and the galaxy. This encompasses much more than our human language is able at this point to describe. I was given a connection to this realm of healing so that I may anchor others into their new crystalline light bodies and be a mediator for the healing you all richly want.  On this realm the healing is vast and all issues are healed within this Amethyst Crystalline Chamber.
My guide began instructing me of many tests that I would undergo to ascend to my next level. The body must be brought under control, as well as the mind and heart. I was given understanding of my abilities and how a sacrifice of my physical desires would be required. This didn’t seem like any big deal within the Amethyst Chamber where I floated and merged with all of life. Other tests were allotted to my being and a set time and date explained. The light golden and white light had pierced my body to such an extent at this point, that I began to only see with light. No physical remained, and I can only say this as a retrospective account for you. Wherever and whomever my gazed of visual vibration was directed upon, was changed, yet nothing was changed as I was able to see as one who understands the depth of the recesses of your very soul, both good, bad, and indifferent, with an all prevailing love.
Slowly the light sunk deep within, anchoring a new blue print, that is at once unified with the Universal Cosmic blueprint and with my ancestral star family and past lives. All was unified in this glorious moment of healing.

It was then that I became aware of my own body, like that of a distant star, and that I wasn’t allowed to move. I knew the healing had been anchored within, but I was accountable to a higher Source, as we all are. The godhead moved from without to within me, to without again, showing me that we have never completely understood the enormous potential we all share. I was an am, like you, a god, moving through many dimensional levels of transmutation. Yet, we are the very energetic substance of all of life!

The Guide was showed me how infinitesimally small I AM within this cosmic family and yet how intrical I AM of one body with them. My soul path was made clear before me and truths were spoken to my spirit.

I received immediate healing and cleansing from a several physical issues, problematic thinking processes right away, and even bad habits. As I was once again anchored back to my 3D brain in the physical body, I became aware of my inability to move or even to focus my visualization on moving. Again, this is different for me, as I’ve always been able to visualize what I want. I soon came to realize that the best way to move was to ask for permission, in which I did and was given ability once more.

Time Lapse, missing time:
I moved from the Amethyst Crystal Healing Chamber, back onto the Frequency Bridge and was just as suddenly in front of the Crystalline Fire burning with iridescent hues. Once again, I could not feel my body and didn’t know where I was. Was I at the bridge, or in my living room, where was I?
I tried to survey the feel of the surface I sat upon but again, could not match up the feeling to any earthly known memory. As I was entering this realm, I was greeted by a few star family members, that had come with me to make the transition back into this earthly body. They morphed into my vibrational 3d eye frequency and spoke softly and then as quickly disappeared. One of my star family members had a quite shocking look with a huge third eye between his other two eyes, very large and almond shaped, he let me know that this wasn’t his complete physical presentation but on this 3D plane, this was the best I would be able to view him. After the Star Family welcomed me back with an entourage of passing and imparting wise and complicated sayings, I was allowed to just be. I was ready to be wherever I was, and tried to open my eyes, but still my 3D brain was connected by the bridge I’d crossed earlier with the Andromedan Guide. A sign was given to spirit and I asked to be allowed to once more open my eyes and have control over my body. A.G. spoke how to access him again and permission was given immediately even though and I hesitated, for I knew not where I was. I allowed the vibrational frequency to slowly hum higher away from this body and finally opened my eyes and was sitting in my leather reclining chair. I couldn’t see very well but I was home. I found the clock and noticed I was missing almost a 2 hour time lapse, when it only seemed moments that I was gone.
Healing Begins:
From that moment on, I have been a changed person physically and spiritually. Foods that I had loved, hold no persuasion for me. Thought forms are different and spiritual connections vast and multi-dimensional. Love for all mankind in and on all galaxies is all encompassing. My spiritual work has started and the tests have also been given. Instruction continues with Andromeda and I am excited to bring others through either distance healing or in person to this place!
your mediator for Andromeda, Jeannie Irwin

ps, there is so much I haven’t shared with you yet!

Labradorite 4 healing of depression, anxiety and opening 3rd eye!


I felt connected to this stone today. I have both Labradorite and falcons eye. I never understood that they were connected…oops, we learn something every day.

General Gemstone Details

Labradorite is the plagioclase feldspar ad in the same family as albite . Labradorite has been found in some meteorites.
Gem quality labradorite is known as Spectrolite; which is a colorless variety, darkened with needlelike inclusions, it is often called black moonstone. Spectrolite is a dark and opalescent blue with a shimmer when the light hits it. It was discovered in Finland during WWII, and it is also called falcon’s-eye.

According to an Eskimo legend, the Northern Lights were once imprisoned in the rocks along the coast of Labrador. It is told that a wandering Eskimo warrior found them and was able to free most of the lights with a mighty blow of his spear. Some of the lights were still trapped within the stone, and thus we have today the beautiful mineral known as labradorite.

Traditionally, labradorite is thought to bring good luck. Keep reading to learn about the crone aspect of this stone and removing ties and blockages… (more…)

Published in: on January 25, 2013 at 4:16 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Happiness~alchemical elixir of life!







I’m giving the power of healing back into your hands!
Did you know that the answer to your life’s problems doesn’t lie in the Doctors, therapists, and pharmaceutical medicine you’ve been told to take?

The answer lies with your happiness. Happiness can help you heal now! There have been study after study and researches have conducted tests on multitudes of people, and it all boils down to this; when you’re happy, you heal. When you’re happy, you’re well!
So, I’m giving you back your healing!
Happiness causes your body to react and produce all the antigens, good bacteria, and other chemicals that you need to fight and repair your cells.

Think about this for a minute. When you get a flu that there is no medicine to fix, how to you get well? You’re body heals itself in a matter of time. The virus is attacked by your body and repelled, quarantined and disseminated. Go a step further…how did people 100 years ago live? They worked hard, loved hard and used natural ingredients to heal themselves. Most people couldn’t afford a Doctor, and so they lived off the herbs and natural *shamanic* healing practices, or *home remedies* that had been passed down for generations.

Stress is the number one killer in our world. How does stress occur in the body? Stress evolves from fear. Even if you have been stressed over a relationship that you’ve left behind, there is underneath all of that, a root fear. If you search it out long enough you can get to the root fear cause. But, I have an easier way, simply know that fear is truly our ultimate adversary and love is our ultimate cure.

When you love yourself and others, you are naturally happy, and that happiness moves throughout your body like a self working cure all for disease.

If you ask a person whose survived cancer under seemingly insurmountable odds what they’re key is, they’ll tell you, being happy. They learned to put petty arguments, fear and disharmony out of their lives and concentrate on what is good in their lives. To go a step further, they not only did that, but they counted themselves as blessed! They lived their life to the fullest while experiencing Doctor prescriptions, chemo, and strict diets, debilitating pain, and depression, with instructions that they’d not live for another year. This all stems from their ability to step away from the *reality* that they’d been living, and into a new reality they were choosing!

When you begin to choose happy thoughts, your body immediately resonates and gets into alignment with those thoughts and feelings, because after all, happy is a feeling, not a thought!
So, what we’re really talking about here is feeling happy with yourself, your choices, and your life.

You don’t have to feel happy about the bad relationship you’re in, or about your problem, all you have to do is be happy about something. Can you dig it? Happiness is the great elixir! Just being happy about anything begins a tidal wave of reconstructive inner being healing! Concentrating several times a day on something that makes you feel happy, can heal a myriad of dysfunctions as well as open up a channel for more happiness to come to you! How can you miss!

It truly is that simple or is it? I have received letters in the past from friends and clients whose main problem was *getting out of their own way to happiness*.  Does this sound familiar? Are you one of those people who seem to attract all the wrong situations, relationships and surroundings? Are you so deep in the quagmire of despair that absolutely nothing right now makes sense to be happy about?

I’ve known people who have started as simple as being happy they had running water, a toilet, toilet paper, the knowledge on how to use the toilet paper! I’m not kidding! Look at the sun early in the morning, or to the right of it, and absorb the energy from our sun, and feel the happiness begin to radiate outward from your solar plexus throughout your body. Eat some fresh fruit and feel the energy of that powerful piece of fruit, healing and nourishing your body, being happy for the wonder of the food providing that to you! If you are reading this on the internet, be happy that you have this wonderful tool of the world wide web to search, learn, and share your happiness with others! Begin reading stories of happiness, quotes on happiness, and humorous antidotes! Many years ago, the old adage was, laughter is the best medicine~! What does the word adage mean?

Adage: Origin: 
1540–50;  < French  < Latin adagium,  equivalent to ad- ad-  + ag- (stem of āio  I say) + -ium -ium,
which means, add this saying to your life! Memorize it, say and repeat it, live it! Adages have proved themselves out through time.

So, I have one for you, “Happiness is the elixir of life!”~ ©Jeannie Irwin, let’s make that our adage and begin living it now! We’re all BlissManifestors waiting to be born and live a new!

I’ve updated my site, please take a look! Also, now extending Visionary Violet Flame around the world, read more! Join the group!

Sweaty Tibetan Bowls & transformation!

Summer time can be a hot, sweaty, pain in the Tibetan bowl, if you know what I mean.  If you have young children, they are home, wreaking beautiful havoc on your otherwise peaceful weekday environment- I get it, I’m there. This article is for the women of our culture, whether you’re a college student, Mom or not, even if you’re a girl, this subject is for you.
Hormones, we all have them. We should celebrate them, but I think right now you’re asking me, WHY?

Your hormones give you the ability to create life, not only in the physical realm but also in the creative spiritual realm. Creativity of thought, joined with the Great Mother/Gaia, you are one with this Earthly womb and you understand in a depth of consciousness what it feels like to have something gestate.

You are born to cultivate ideas and bring them into fruition, to allow the male principled sun to shine its light on your gifts and give it strength.

It’s all about balance. Even though you might want to do everything without anyone’s help, there is also a time to bring your life into this world and when that time comes, there needs to be balance.

The question is, “Do you feel balanced right now?”  If you are suffering from abnormal *hot flashes*, or  you’re feeling overly sensitive,  find yourself aching in unusual places of your body, craving strange foods, headaches, anger, emotional outbursts, then you might be experiencing the adverse reaction of chemicals, dyes, pesticides, artificial flavorings and colorings, and  the hormones they put into our food.

Places you might not have considered full of these chemicals are fats, oils, margarines, peanut butters, processed canned and frozen foods, anything that isn’t fresh! Basically, if you aren’t on an all raw diet you’re purchasing from your local health food store…then you’re ingesting hormones and very dangerous chemicals…frankly even the water your drink.

The National Institute of Health researchers found that the risk of hormone estrogen use increases the chances of women, who are otherwise healthy, of having a stroke by 41%, increase the risk of heart attack by 29% and breast cancer by 24%.

Looking at this from a nutritionally sound metaphysical alternative there are so many benefits to cutting some of these offending foods out of your diets weekly and replacing them with fresh fruit/veggies and raw nuts and proteins that are safe to ingest.

Spiritually speaking, foods have a frequency so if you’ve been feeling drab, and unmotivated, possibly heavy in the aura, this could be the low density foods that you are eating! Frequency isn’t always necessarily the same as what some websites constitute *vibrational foods*, just keep this in mind.

High frequency foods include: all organic, fresh, unprocessed, non-pesticide foods, such as; dark green leafy vegetables, lemons and citrus fruits, lentils and herbs.

Consider this; Dr. Emoto’s work on music and prayers affects on water has shown us clearly that *intent* is a big contributor to our food/waters constitution.  Slowing down and appreciating your food/beverage makes a difference before you eat. You can assume a posture of thankfulness and with eye’s open, simply pause before eating being grateful for your food. Saying a simply blessing that you create is another wonderful way to increase the availability of the energetic structure of your food while also cleansing and purifying it. A simply way to think of this, is that all foods contain some amount of water, even the dehydrated foods have some remaining water, therefore blessing/cleansing the water molecules in food can cleanse 90% or more of what you’re eating.
What is a Lightbody? Has great insight, with this added Invocation to water-
I take this, the water of life, I declare it the water of light, as I take it within my body, it allows my body to glow, I take this the water of light, I declare it the water of god, I Am a master of all that I AM.

Another suggestion is the frequencies you surround yourself with.  We all know that everyone vibrates at many different layers of frequency. Do not assume that you’re neighbors and loved ones frequencies aren’t affecting you and likewise! Add to that, TV programs, Radio and Computer vibrations, and cell phones. We are virtually emendated with a mass cluster of frequencies that are penetrating our bodies and stimulating and corrupting our cells and chakras.

Begin listening to the  Ancient Solfeggio Tones used by the Monks from long ago to heal and enlighten as part of your daily regimen or a weekly rejuvenation program administering health to your spiritual/auric and physical bodies.

Drink more water, simply bless it first, holding your cup with the intention of love and happiness, health and abundance. Allow the feelings to pour from your heart chakra enveloping your cup then radiating out. You can drink this water like an elixir of life, and you’ll be amazed at how tasty it is! Our water has a lot to be desired but after blessing it, there is such a huge difference in the overall flavor and feeling of it, that even a purifier can’t compare.

Again, this is about balance, so remember when you’ve had low density foods such as heavy meats (which is any animal protein) to balance your body out by eating lots of fresh green, raw vegetables such as  an organic salad made with your own dressing.

A cleansing way:

Make the major shift to eating an all vegetarian diet if you can, and by the way you can still be considered a *vegetarian* when consuming, milk, cheese, eggs, and fish. Vegan is someone who doesn’t eat any animal bi-products.
Include at least one meal/snack a day that fortifying such as a simple fruit without additives or crackers on the side. Allow your body to have a break from digesting all these toxins.

Get into Nature-Connect with the faeries, elementals, to distress and ground your body into Mother Earth.
Leave a covered bottle of purified water in the sunlight with a cleansed high frequency crystal of your choice (make sure to check a crystal book such as The Crystal Bible for toxins), drink as an uplifting mineral water with high frequency vibrations. Clear quartz should always be okay, as well as any polished quartz crystal, rose quartz but, check to make sure.
Listen to the Chakra Tune and subscribe to binaural beats on youtube.
Surround yourself with positive, life enhancing material, music and friends.
Learn something new and expand your mind. Researchers now say that most of us think 90% of the same thoughts we thought yesterday! How can you expect to manifest something new in your life without bringing in new vibrations of thought!
Meditate- Unified Heart Chakra and incorporate Angelic Invocations for healing into you daily life.

Why not pick some wildflowers by the side of the road! Surround yourself with beauty!

One way to raise your vibration and get rid of the negative clutter is to work towards higher goals. Envisioning light around other countries, feeling love radiate from your heart and encompassing these places, sends healing and love, at the same time bringing healing to your spirit.
Why not try it, go to BlissManifestors-GalacticONE and help us send LOVE and HEALING to IRAN and ISRAEL.

We are ALL!

Daily/weekly Angels of Atlantis Oracle Card- Sandalphon~ LOVE, 6-19-12

Archangel Sandalphon~LOVE!
When you allow AA Sandalphon to renew your LOVE for all of humanity as well as yourself, you see life through different and …

Read the rest here: Galactic/Angelic-HealingGuidance

Fun FAB Summertime Meditation 2012- day 5- Shamanic healing

Today June 19, 2012 the Moon moves into Cancer at 1:33 EDT. The Moon in Cancer makes us feel a bit nostalgic and inclined to take care of matters on the home front; it also urges us to find ways to replenish ourselves emotionally. A pleasant trine from the Moon to Neptune in Pisces at 7:40 PM EDT may incline us to ruminate on all things ethereal and spiritual. We may be very psychically receptive tonight and our dreams may be full of references to long-lost worlds and mystical quests. (more…)

Daily Fairy Oracle tarot – May 8, 2012


Free Daily Oracle Tarot Card~ May 8th 2012- #healingwiththefairies
Click here to read your Fairy card- http://blissmanifestors.com/blissoraclestarot.html